Friday, September 21, 2007


Negative sexual programming - from society, family, religion - can put a significant crimp in your comfort level with sexuality and make you squirm at the mere thought of poking and prodding into the whole dirty business. If you're a squirmer, you probably don't think much about sex at all. You're not in touch with your sexual feelings, and it's difficult when you do have sex to relax enough to really enjoy the moment.

In order to reprogram your sexuality, you have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone. That's not easy because stepping out of your safe place will make you - well, uncomfortable. But unless you're willing to stand up to fear and discomfort, you'll be unlikely to discover the sexual joy that lies waiting for you right outside your comfort zone. You have to decide that sex is important enough to warrant feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

Tomorrow I'll talk about some ways to do that.

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