Friday, September 7, 2007

Good Vibrations

Confused about how to choose a vibrator and exactly what to do with it once you get it? Vibrators come in all colors, shapes and sizes and are made from different kinds of materials. Most are battery-operated - though some can be plugged into an electrical outlet - and have controls for speed and intensity. Choosing one is really a matter of personal preference. You'll find the best selection in a sex shop or sex boutique, and if you need help, don't hesitate to ask the sales clerk who is often very knowledgeable. If you wouldn't be caught dead inside a sex shop, vibrators are frequently sold as massagers in drug stores and department stores They can also be purchased on-line or through mail-order catalogues.

When making your selection, think about how it will fit your hand, how the weight feels, and whether it's comfortable to hold. Spring for one of the more expensive models if you can as they are usually built better and are quieter.

Tomorrow I'll talk about how vibrators can be used to enhance sexual pleasure.

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