Monday, September 10, 2007

Passion and Play

In the last post, I talked about food play - but you were probably taught not to play with your food. Actually, you may have forgotten how to play altogether!

Somewhere along the way to being a grownup, many adults lose their childlike ability to let loose, be silly, and have high-energy fun. What often passes for play these days is dinner and a movie or a casual get-together with friends for a cookout. Not that there's anything wrong with that - but when was the last time you had blow-it-all-out, laugh until it hurts kind of fun? Dancing like a crazy person, playing a rousing game of pictionary, having a water balloon or snowball fight, running some whitewater rapids - have you put that kind of play behind you?

Good sex has a passionate and playful element. When passion and play come up missing in your everyday life, they're probably going to be missing in your sex life, as well. Make your next date a play date and see if it doesn't spark some passion with your partner.

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