Friday, October 12, 2007

Drugs for Desire

I'm often asked if there are any drugs to help women who have little or no sexual desire. Drug companies are doing a lot of experimentation, but right now there is no magic pill for creating sexual interest and enthusiasm. There are a few medical interventions, however, that might be worth considering.

Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) is one option for post-menopausal women. ERT will probably not dramatically increase desire in most women, but it does decrease vaginal dryness which can make sex unpleasant. Because there is some concern about ERT increasing the risk of heart disease and cancer, this is an option that should be discussed carefully with a doctor. Another option is low-dose estrogen in tablet or cream form that is inserted directly into the vagina - or is released from an estrogen ring that is inserted into the upper part of the vagina and is replaced about every 3 months.

A low-dose testosterone patch for women developed by Procter & Gamble was rejected by the FDA, but some doctors do prescribe testosterone for women off-label. There is the possibility of testosterone causing masculinizing side effects and an increase in cholesterol, so again, it's not a perfect remedy. However, it's worked very well for some women. It's important to talk to your doctor to determine if this is a good option for you.

I'll cover some more remedies tomorrow.

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