Sunday, October 7, 2007

Getting In Charge of Stress - Part 2

After changing, delegating, and eliminating some of the stress producers in your life, there will still be leftover sources of stress which just can't be fixed. That's when you take charge by increasing your resistance to stress and changing your thoughts and beliefs about the stressor.

You increase your stress-tolerance by getting enough sleep at night, exercising several times a week, eating a healthy diet, taking regular time-outs for fun, remembering to breathe deeply, and laughing on a regular basis. Without good self-care, your body is ill-equipped to deal long term with the daily onslaught of stress.

You can also reduce the impact of stress if you have a good support network. Operating in isolation not only limits how much help is available for accomplishing the multitude of tasks facing you each day, it also limits your access to emotional support. Caring, validating people can make a huge difference when you're going through a particularly stressful time.

Tomorrow I'll talk about changing how you think about the stressors in your life.

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