Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sexual Wholeness - Relationships

In the post entitled "Relationship Tune-Up", I stressed the importance of keeping the relationship with your partner in good working order if you want to keep the sexual spark alive.

But what about all of your other relationships? What role do they play in your life? Certainly your partner can't meet all of your needs.

Hopefully you have a good network of support from friends and family. The quality of your relationships significantly impacts your stress level and your overall emotional well-being. You need people to shore you up in difficult times and celebrate with you during times of joy. However, you may have relationships that deplete you rather than fill you up. Think about the relationships in your life and what changes may be needed - whether that's adding or eliminating relationships, setting different limits, or asking for what you need. It can make a big difference in your life.

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