Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Manly Men

In addition to exploring touch that's not orgasm-focused and then tapping into intimacy, men can become more sexual beings by identifying what makes them feel really alive. As I've discussed previously, a passion for life feeds sexual passion so it pays to stay excited, curious, and open to wonder. Don't let your mind or body get lazy - keep learning every day and stay physically active. Make sure you're feeding your spirit, as well, by staying in touch with what gives your life a sense of purpose and meaning.

Think about how you define masculinity. Does being a man mean bringing home the bacon, fixing the leaky faucet, chugging a beer during Monday night football, performing in the bedroom? How about tenderness, sensitivity, and compassion? We are all victims of society's narrow definitions of what it means to be male or female. The more you expand your definition of what it means to be a man, the more you bring wholeness to your sexuality.

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