Saturday, October 6, 2007

Getting In Charge of Stress

The first step in managing stress is to figure out what you can eliminate, delegate, or change. Stress can make you feel powerless - as if you have no choices - but you probably have a lot more power than you think. What can you let go or hire out? Where do you need to ask for help? What changes can you make in everyday routines that might make life a little easier? I know one woman who de-stressed her mornings considerably just by deciding the night before what she was going to wear the next day and then getting up 15 minutes earlier to actually enjoy her cup of coffee instead of gulping it down in the car.

Take a close look at how you manage tasks as you move through the day and get creative in thinking about how you might do it differently. To be creative, you'll need to use fresh eyes: view things from the outside in as if you're an expert who's been called in to do an extreme make-over on your life. You may be surprised by your own expertise.

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