Monday, October 8, 2007

Getting In Charge of Stress - Part 3

You always have control of your response to any given situation. Changing your thoughts and beliefs about stressors in your life can have a significant effect on the amount of stress they generate. How does it work?

You identify the negative statements and stories that you tell yourself as you begin to feel stressed and replace that negative internal dialogue with a more positive, solution-oriented one. For example, what happens when you say to yourself, "I'm overwhelmed"? You feel further demoralized rather than empowered. What if you substituted, "I have a lot on my plate but I'll just take one thing at a time"? That sentence knocks your stress down a notch and gives you a plan for how to proceed. Changing your response to stress means you recognize your limits, stop catastrophizing, and decide to stay in the moment.

Quote for the day: "Everything changed the day he figured out there was exactly enough time
for the important things in his life." Brian Andreas

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