Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sexual Wholeness - Emotions

Emotions contain important information for us. Anger lets us know that something is wrong or that we have a need that is going unmet. Sadness is usually a signal that we've lost something important to us. Fear helps us prepare for a threat to our safety, and joy is our cue to celebrate life's blessings. How much control do you feel over your emotions once they've delivered their message?

Our challenge with emotions is how to 'have' them without 'being' them. Our language encourages us to over-identify with our emotions - "I am depressed." "I am angry." But if we have depression or have anger, we also have a closetful of resources to bring to managing those feelings. To be emotionally healthy, we have to be in charge of our emotions and stop letting them run the show.

When we're emotionally unhealthy, our sex drive is going to take a major hit. So take some time to do an emotional audit on yourself and see if there is an emotion that is running your life.

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