Sunday, August 30, 2009

Heating Up with Yoga recently posted an article on how yoga can boost your libido. Taking your partner along with you to a yoga studio can be a hot variation on the standard dinner-and-a-movie date night. Yoga dates are intimate, sensual, and cheap, and great for your body and soul, to boot.

“When you move your body you feel good, when your blood starts flowing and you start breathing,” says Jennifer Fink Oppenheimer, a New York–based yoga teacher. “Any sort of exercise makes you feel good, but yoga specifically opens you up.”

If getting your partner to a yoga studio sounds like too big of a challenge, you might want to check out one of the yoga classes on cable TV. It could be an interesting form of foreplay.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Random Sex Facts Cont.'

According to the Kinsey Report, 10 percent of the population is exclusively hetero or homosexual.

According to the Hite Report, candles are the artificial device used more frequently by women when masturbating.

According to the Kinsey Report (1953), 15 percent of the female population was capable of multiple orgasms.

20 million Americans watch pornography annually.

The vagina and the eye are self-cleaning organs.

According to Susan Lark, MD, director of the PMS Self-Help Center in Los Altos, Calif., having sex with orgasm relieves menstrual cramps because the vigorous muscle action moves blood and other fluids away from congested organs.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Random Sex Facts Cont.'

On average, it takes two tablespoons of blood to get a man's penis erect.

According to one theory, people who chew a lot of ice have a high sex drive.

The 1992 Kinsey Report established that the average man's speed of emission was 18 kilometers per hour.

According to the National Institute of Business Management, one of every eight boss-secretary romances ends in marriage. One out of 10 secretaries admits to having been romantically involved with her boss, with only 25 percent saying that the experience had negative impact on their careers.

According to Archives of General Medicine, coffee drinkers have sex more frequently and enjoy it more than non-coffee drinkers.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Random Sex Facts

The typical person spends about 600 hours having sex between the ages of 20 and 70.

Reserachers say that condoms exposed to smog and ozone are less effective.

Americans spend twice as much money on pornography than they do on cookies.

A survey in Cosmopolitan magazine said that foreplay usually last 14 to 17 minutes for the average married couple, and that the man typically reaches orgasm after six minutes of intercourse.

According to the Earthsave Foundation, the sperm count of the average American male is down 30 percent from 30 years ago.

According to Runner's World magazine, two out of three runners say that they fantasize about sex while running. On the other hand, one out of 11 fantasizes about running while having sex.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dancing to Arousal

I was watching an old movie the other night - I think it was Love and War, starring Sandra Bullock - and it contained a touching scene of Sandra and her soldier-lover, slow-dancing in the nude. It struck me as a very romantic and erotic thing to do. So if you're looking for a new variation on foreplay, you might want to put on your favorite dance music, get naked, and ask your partner to take a slow spin around the bedroom.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sex Headaches

We've all heard jokes about women avoiding sex by claiming a headache, but do sex headaches really exist? They actually do, but not in the manner the jokes would suggest.

According to the Mayo Clinic’s website, “sexual activity — especially an orgasm — can trigger a headache. You may notice a dull ache in your head and neck that builds up as sexual excitement increases. Or, more commonly, you may experience a sudden, severe headache just before or during orgasm.

About one in 100 people will experience a sex headache at some point during his or her lifetime. Men are at least three times more likely than women to have sex headaches. Most sex headaches are nothing to worry about, but some can be a sign of something serious, such as problems with the blood vessels that feed your brain.”

If you experience headaches during sex, it would be wise to discuss it with your doctor.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

American Sex Survey Cont.'

In conclusion to the results of the ABC news’ “The American Sex Survey,” those polled reported:

72% of couples that have been married less than 3 years have sex several times per week, but only 32% of couples that have been married over ten years do.

55% consider themselves ‘sexually traditional’

36% find their sex lives ‘very exciting’

42% feel they are sexually adventurous

29% have had first date sex

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

American Sex Survey Cont.'

According to those surveyed by ABC news:

30% of individuals fantasized about cheating
14% of individuals had a threesome
12% of individuals had sex at work
70% of men thought about sex daily, but only 34% of women did
83% of men enjoyed sex “a great deal,” but only 59% of women did
74% of men always have orgasms while only 30% of women did

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

American Sex Survey

For the next three days, I will be posting some of the results from the ABC news’ “The American Sex Survey.”

According to those surveyed:

57% have had sex outdoors
51% discuss fantasies
48% of women have faked orgasms
15% of men have paid for sex
30% of single men over 30 have paid for sex

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sex Pyramid Concluded

Over the course of the last week, I've outlined the different tiers of a sex pyramid as defined in an August 2009 article in Self magazine. Creating a personalized sex pyramid, or repoitoire of different sexual encounters, can add diversity and excitement to your sex life. Today, I'll discuss the final two tiers: take-charge sex and solo sex.

Take-charge sex is respectful, but assertive. You initiate a sexual encounter with the sole purpose of having intercourse. It's a great way to express your desires and demonstrate your passion for your partner. As the article points out, "You increase your pleasure potential when you accept responsibility for your sexual satisfaction and don't sacrifice your needs to those of your partner."

Solo sex is a way to increase your own pleasure profile and take responsibility for your sexual needs when a partner isn’t available or desired. There's no pressure from a partner, and you can concentrate on exploring your body. There are some benefits to solo sex which make it an important part of the sex pyramid, as well.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sex Pyramid Cont'.

As you continue to build your own personal sex pyramid, you might find a need to incorporate apologetic sex. ‘Make-up’ sex can be a good way to reconcile after an argument or a heated discussion.

According to Self Magazine, “The hormone that's produced during sex, oxytocin (also known as the cuddle hormone), can help facilitate reconciliation. Making love after a fight helps put you in a much more forgiving mood. It can create a willingness to resolve things with each other." Although this type of sex can reignite a connection, this type of sex should be one of the top tiers of your sex pyramid.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sex Pyramid Cont.'

The next level of your sex pyramid might include what Self magazine coins electric sex. Otherwise known as a ‘quickie’, electric sex is spontaneous, exciting, and to the point. There is very little foreplay and the sexual encounter is pretty brief.

Although electric sex shouldn’t be at the base of your pyramid because it lacks in intimacy and exploration, there are benefits to this type of encounter. Electric sex is easily integrated into a busy schedule and requires less energy. It can also inject some much needed excitement into an otherwise predictable repertoire. As Self describes, “It's a fun, effective way to show your partner that your relationship is still on the radar, so electric sex might occupy one of the middle tiers of your pyramid.”

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sex Pyramid Cont'.

Here's another post on the sex pyramid as described in Self magazine. Today, I'll be describing what is termed 'adventurous sex'.

Anything that is out of the ordinary and exciting, such as a change in location and/or routine, is considered adventurous sex. Adventurous sex will likely improve your sex drive and add more fun to your relationship. You can try a sex toy, discuss or enact a fantasy, have sex in the shower, or experiment with different positions. For many, this type of sex would fall somewhere in the middle of their sex pyramid.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sex Pyramid Cont'.

Yesterday, I posted on the notion of a sex pyramid as described in the August 2009 issue of Self Magazine. Today I'll explore in more detail one of the styles that can be incorporated into your individual levels of preference.

Intimate sex, as described in the article, is “a leisurely exploration of each other’s bodies that allows you to reestablish your bond, (and) may or may not include intercourse.” Intimate sex is primarily about connection and communication. You move slowly, discuss your likes and dislikes, explore together sensual and sexual connection, and fulfill your desire for closeness. With intimate sex, you remove the pressure for orgasm and focus instead on the desire for intimacy and passion. This type of sex may include intercourse, but the focus is more on affection rather than a dramatic outcome.

Tomorrow, adventurous sex…

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Sex Pyramid

We've all heard of the food pyramid-the daily recommended allowances of food groups that keep you in optimal health. But what is a sex pyramid? Well, according to Self magazine, it's a model for “...integrating different types of sex into your regular routine..." and keeping things interesting.

So, how does the sex pyramid work? First, you establish what style of lovemaking you feel is the most satisfying and use that as your base. The next level would be something you thoroughly enjoy, but not as frequently. Above that would be a style that is fun, but only on occasion, and so forth. Each pyramid can be individualized according to preference and can be shared with your partner to create something that is satisfying for both parties.

Over the next week I will be posting on the six recommendations given by Self and how they can be incorporated into your own personal sex pyramid.

Friday, August 7, 2009

After Sex

From, here's a poll on what surveyed men and women do after sex:

Women Men

Cuddle: 38.71% 33.06%
Sleep: 17.27% 23.10%
Wash: 15.41 % 15.05%
Smoke: 10.50% 9.88%
Talk: 10.02% 9.40%
Eat or drink: 4.05% 5.17%
Watch TV: 4.0% 4.3%
Total Votes: 2095 1255

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sex Dreams

What do your sex dreams really mean? Dreams are a very powerful inroad to your subconscious, and although last night's steamy dream about Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie may just seem like a gift of your imagination, it's important to pay attention to what your brain may be trying to tell you.

Most people have erotic dreams from time to time, and understanding those dreams better may actually improve your real-life sexual experiences. While the science of dream interpretation can be unreliable, figuring out what your dreams symbolize can often help improve your life. Either through journaling or with the help of a therapist, you might be able to decode the real meaning of your subconscious. Sex dreams can symbolize sexual attraction, but they can also express feelings of insecurity, vitality, validation, adventure, and personal growth.

Bottom line, enjoy the tryst with Brad and/or Angelina, but take the time to analyze how that dream made you FEEL. It may provide important clues for understanding yourself as a sexual person.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sleeping Naked

Does sleeping naked improve your sex life? Well, it seems that there is a large group of people (including myself) who believe that it does.

To explore the health and sexual benefits of sleeping naked, try visiting the website:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sleep Apnea and Sexual Dysfunction

In a recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, a group of German researchers found that obstructive sleep apnea was directly related to erectile dysfunction. In the study, 69% of the men with sleep apnea also had erectile dysfunction, compared to the 34% of men without it. It seems that the loss of oxygen in the brain also negatively impacts sexual functioning.

If you are someone who struggles with excessive snoring and sexual dysfunction, you might want to consult a physician about addressing your sleep apnea. It could improve both your sleep and your sex life.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Red Wine for Love

A friend sent me this piece in an email, and I thought it was interesting:

Female red wine drinkers have a stronger sex drive than those who prefer other drinks or don't drink at all. Italian researchers had women take the Female Sexual Function Index, a test used to asses sexual health, and found that moderate red wine drinkers scored consistently higher than teetotalers or those who prefer another alcoholic beverage. Scientists aren't exactly sure why this is, but one theory is that the antioxidants in red wine act to widen blood vessels, allowing more blood flow to "key" areas.

If you're a social drinker, you might want to try out the theory.