Saturday, August 25, 2007

What is Sexy?

In a recent column, Ellen Goodman wrote, "We are...a culture that defines sexy as something seen rather than something felt." That's what makes it tough for those of us who aren't magazine cover material to feel sexy. But sexy is really about feeling confident, being passionate about life, and being able to fully inhabit our bodies - whatever shape or size. Sex connects us to our life force and creates energy and excitement.

If you want to enhance your 'sexiness quotient', work on moving more awareness into your body. Claim your maleness or femaleness and focus on your strengths. Quiet those voices that tell you you're not good enough. Find something to get excited about every day - even if it's just snagging a front parking spot at the grocery. Don't let a day go by without at least one good belly laugh. Feeling good about yourself and being energized about life may not land you on the cover of a magazine, but you will definitely be sexy!

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