Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Visual Cues

Clothes are only one piece of the visual whole that adds up to 'sexy' - or not. Some people seem drawn to a particular type. Hair color, hair length, height, body build, body size, facial hair, and facial characteristics are only a few of the variables that may cue sexual interest.

Scientists have discovered that we are drawn to symmetry, which probably plays a role in the cultural consensus of what is considered beautiful. But cultural standards of beauty change with the times, and certainly beauty is still 'in the eye of the beholder'. That's a good thing since only a few of us come even close to the models gracing the covers of magazines.

What is the look that adds up to sexy for you - both when you look in the mirror and when you look at your partner? How often do you make an effort to create that look? Do you know what visual cues turn your partner on? It might be worth a conversation.

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