Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Last Minute Desire

Two-thirds of women (the same two-thirds who are low-testosterone) don't feel desire until they're having sex and are close to orgasm. Think about that. Since it's desire that pushes you to seek out sex, it's no wonder these women aren't chasing their partners around the kitchen table!

This phenomenon is why women frequently say to themselves -or their partner-right after orgasm, "That was fantastic - we should do this more often!" But then the pleasure is soon forgotten, and unless the low-testosterone woman has made an intentional decision to make sex a priority, sex will wait until her partner pushes enough for it to happen.

Knowing that low-testosterone women lack spontaneous desire should help men take their partner's lack of initiative a little less personally. But low-testosterone women can also focus a little more on the memory of sexual pleasure and seek to add more pleasure to their lives.

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