Monday, March 17, 2008

More Help On the Way

I've posted previously on testosterone supplements that can increase a woman's sex drive. Now a new testosterone ointment that is intended to treat sexual desire problems in women is being tested in medical facilities across the nation. The ointment is expected to be prescribed in limited areas in the coming months. Initial trials will focus on women between 30 and 65 who have had their ovaries removed.

Family Therapy Magazine reports that if the drug is approved by the FDA, BioSante Pharmaceuticals will make it available to women with low desire. The drug, LibiGel is applied on the skin of the upper arm. The testosterone contained in the gel is then gradually absorbed into the bloodstream where it increases energy levels as well as libido.

As with all drugs, I'm sure there will be the potential for unwanted side effects. But if you're best efforts to recharge your sex drive have been unsuccessful, there may be more assistance soon available.

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