Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Technical Trouble

The stereotype of the sexually disinterested woman and the 'always ready to go' man is still hanging around. The truth is that a lot of men are struggling with low desire. Erection difficulties may be one of the reasons.

All men are subject to occasional problems with getting or sustaining an erection, and it's estimated that over 25 million men suffer from impotence on a regular basis. Impotence is a treatable condition, but men often delay seeking treatment because of embarrassment or a belief that the problem will eventually just go away. During that delay, a destructive pattern of sexual avoidance and decreased desire often sets in.

A man may avoid sex out of fear of failure and his partner may be equally avoidant out of frustration over trying to help him maintain an erection. A woman can also take the erection difficulty personally, assuming (incorrectly) that she no longer has what it takes to turn her partner on.

This pattern of sexual distancing can be prevented if couples talk openly about changes or glitches in their sexual interaction. Getting treatment, becoming less performance oriented, and staying out of blame mode are all key in dealing with more than just the occasional 'technical trouble'.

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