Friday, September 12, 2008


I often hear men complain about the need many women seem to have for conditions to be 'just right' before sex is a possibility. The conditions vary but often include complete privacy (no one else in the house), being 'in the mood', things being 'right' in the relationship, a romantic prelude, a clean house, etc. etc. Men find these conditions to be more than a little frustrating, and often conclude that it just amounts to more avoidance.

Maybe, maybe not. Women's sexuality is complex, and if a woman has not nurtured her sexuality and become comfortable as a sexual being, then it doesn't take much to shut down her sexual response. If she's only ok with sex when it's couched in romance and is preceded by emotional intimacy, then she will miss many opportunities for pleasure and relaxation.

Starting next week, I'll be posting on how sex can be more than an expression of emotion or a simple satisfaction of physical desire.

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