Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Great Life Force

Sex connects us to our bodies – the vehicle through which we experience life. Thomas Moore says, “To look at and feel the naked human body is to behold, perhaps without much understanding, the mysteries of life.” Sex brings us to life and helps us live with passion and presence.

So what if you’re not involved in a sexual relationship? You are a sexual being whether you’re having sex or not. If you’re present in your body and your senses are alive, you can experience your sexuality in a passionate engagement with life. You can tap into your creativity and discover how to manifest your sexual impulses in the world. It may be through poetry or dance or cooking or intimate involvement with friends.

Sex is more than an expression of love and more than what two bodies do with one another. Our culture has trivialized sex. Try giving yourself permission to expand and deepen your understanding of this great life force.

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