Thursday, June 5, 2008

Before and After

Have you ever seen a picture of Oprah Winfrey before her stylists have done her hair and makeup? Some years back, Oprah was brave enough to be photographed for an issue of O magazine in her 'natural' state. The difference in the before and after pictures was really amazing. It left me wondering how much time and effort goes into her transformation. Personally, I'm usually showered, dressed, and out the door in a little over 30 minutes. That only allows for a few minutes devoted to makeup and blow-drying.

But makeup and hair-styling help many women feel better about themselves. Should they have to spend an hour in front of the mirror in order to feel ok? Of course not - and those women who can't even run out to the grocery or go for a walk in the neighborhood without putting on their daily 'mask' need some work in the area of self-acceptance. But wearing a little makeup and aiming for an attractive hairstyle is really no different than dressing in flattering clothes. Accentuating your assets and camouflaging your flaws reflect a recognition that, like it or not, looks count. And looking your best reflects a desire to project a positive sense of oneself.

Like anything else, there is wisdom in moderation. The extreme end of beauty enhancement is unnecessary plastic surgery in a quest for the perfect face or the perfect body. For way too long, women have measured their worth by their appearance. But beauty is both fleeting and superficial, so it's a lousy basis for valuing oneself. That doesn't mean we can't give it a token nod. After all, looking good certainly isn't all bad.

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