Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Testosterone Deficiency

In today's Dear Annie column, a woman wrote about the dramatic difference in her husband after he was treated with testosterone injections to address his testosterone deficiency. She was amazed at the difference in both his sex drive as well as his energy levels.

Men with low levels of testosterone often exhibit symptoms of depression in addition to a diminished sex drive: fatigue, low energy, lack of motivation, and a loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities. A decrease in libido can certainly accompany depression even when testosterone levels are normal, but when a man with no previous history of depression begins dragging around the house and loses all interest in sex, it's worth a trip to the doctor to have his testosterone level checked. If the level is low, treatment is easy and effective. Men usually report significantly increased sexual desire and a general sense of well-being once they're in the normal testosterone range.

Because doctors often neglect to ask about sexual difficulties, it's important to take the initiative in bringing up any changes in sexual functioning. If the testosterone level is normal, then it may be time to be assessed for depression. Depression is also highly treatable - and a healthy sex life may depend on getting in charge of it.

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