Monday, June 2, 2008


Do you look forward to seeing your partner at the end of the day? Do you imagine walking into the house with a smile on your face and a warm greeting on your lips? That probably doesn't sound like the world you live in. Maybe your thoughts are more on what to do with the ground beef sitting in the refrigerator or how to ferry one child to soccer practice and still have time to pick up your mom's medication.

The frantic pace of today's world often means that you don't reconnect with your partner until you both fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day. But how you walk into the house or how you greet your partner when he/she walks into the house sets the tone for the evening. It takes a few seconds to make eye contact, smile, and touch one another.

It's only when a couple is glad to reconnect in the kitchen after a hard day's work that they're likely to be glad to reconnect in the bedroom.

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