Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Date Nights

I frequently find myself pushing couples to create special time together, whether it's regular date nights or scheduled sex dates. But even those can become hum-drum without the investment of a little energy and creativity. How do couples in long-term relationships keep romance alive when a date night is just dinner and a movie and a sex date is just one more chore to check off the list?

You might want to try an idea from Men's Health. Pepper Schwartz, Ph.d., suggests that a man have his lover ditch her underwear during dinner. The naked secret creates a different kind of dining experience. Of course, if you're a woman, you don't need to wait for your partner's suggestion. If that's a little too daring for you, just play footsie under the table or put a few moves on your partner during the movie. There's something very erotic about foreplay in public places where actual sex isn't a possibility.

Tomorrow I'll talk about the lead-in to sex dates.

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